الاثنين، 15 يونيو 2009


I'm confused I feel like I'm heading directly to a fatal mistake
This feeling is chasing me I know its deep inside, I'm not capable of showing or tell it even to myself in the merrier but I just know me I don't take no for an answer, I won't and the yes I'm waiting for will never come to me it’s a fact that I need love, but how, can I afford to love someone, anyone do I have the giving gift is it still there waiting for the knight to come out of the no where offering love, safety and some peace to my disturbed life
Nothing is clear in my mind, nothing but confusion
June 15th 2009

هناك تعليقان (2):

Unknown يقول...

ربنا يهديكي
انت فين اليومين دول؟

Iman البنت المصرية يقول...

للأسف معرفش مين حضرتك بالظبط لكن اكيد ربنا يهدى الجميع يا استاذ هانى وشكرا لمرورك بمدونتى